Washed by Water Thru the Word

November 25, 2011

The LION has roared and continues to warn us!

Come back to the LORD and live! If you don’t, he will roar through Israel like a fire, devouring you completely. Your gods in Bethel certainly won’t be able to quench the flames! – Amos 5:6

The prophet Amos continues his warning to Israel from the LORD. He tells the people who God the LION of Judah has roared because He has found a prey – the sinning of Israel. The prophet says that God warns Israel to return to Him alone and to abandon their gods, so that they may live. If they don’t return to God, He will burn through Israel like a fire, which will not be quenched!

AMERICA, God has sent me as end-time prophet to declare to you the message of repentance. As the LORD Jesus walked through Israel preaching “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand,” so do I. It is high time for us, as a nation and people, to turn from our wickedness and repent of our national sins and make God the God of America once more. IF we refuse to heed the Word of the LORD, we risk losing our nation to other nations as did Israel and Judah of old.  When God told Israel that He would sweep through the nation as an unquenchable fire of cleansing, that day is coming for America, too! In fact that day is coming upon the whole world because of their sins! Those who respond to the call of God’s loving grace and repent of their sins and become His true children will miss the coming fiery judgment that will cleanse the earth. God’s fiery judgment is heading for America! We need to respond to this message of hope and repentance that God sets before us and respond as did the people of ancient Nineveh when Jonah gave them the same message. Please read and heed! God is coming!

Father, I sense the building rebellion and refusal of my people to heed Your Word! They are hard-hearted and a stiff-necked people. They desire to do things their way rather than submit their lives to You and live! I know You don’t delight in the death of the wicked, so what more can I do other than continuing to sound the trumpet and warn the people of Your judgment on their sins? You made me a watchman over the nation of America, so I lift up my voice and declare the Truth of the Word You have given me. May the people of this land hear this message of repentance and hope and turn from their wicked ways and live. IF NOT, I have done my job. I am innocent of their blood. I will not stop declaring Your message to them. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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