Washed by Water Thru the Word

October 6, 2012

Despite the message of violence and destruction, God loves us with an unfailing, everlasting love.

I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself. – Jeremiah 31:3

Jeremiah delivered many prophetic messages to the people of Judah and Jerusalem. They were all about the coming death and destruction of the Jews because of their evil and rebellion against the LORD. However, God never desired to annihilate his people. He loved them and reprimanded them constantly, yet he always reserved a remnant of those that truly loved him. He chose to display his love for them by saving them from total destruction. They all could have survived and lived had they obeyed God rather than rejecting  him.

America is coming under the judgment of God very soon in the not-so-distant future. We can expect to see our Oriental captors punish this nation for its rebellion against and rejection of God. However, God has a remnant of believers in all nations of the world, even here in  America. Thus, God sends us a message of hope and love, as he did with Judah and Israel.

Anyone who accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior is a member of his family and is his child. Thus, the promise to the Jews is also a promise to the modern day children of God. He loves us with an everlasting love and with an unfailing love will draw us to himself. Therefore, if we will turn from our evil and return to the LORD, he will draw us unto himself. He desires that all people come to repentance and live. He does not delight in the death of the wicked.

There is a fond hope and joy in knowing that the God of the universe has chosen people to be his children. I know beyond any doubt that I am his child. I will do as the apostle James told us to do, Draw near to God and he will draw near to us. I know the unfailing love of the Father, do you? He loved while I was yet a sinner, as he does and did for you too. We can live this life in these bodies by faith in the Son of God who loves us and gave himself for us.

There is just something exciting and peaceful at the same time knowing that God loves us with an everlasting love! That means that his love never fails, never gives up on us, and will never abandon us. He carries us in the palm of his hand. Nothing can snatch us away from his love, either. If you want to know this love, then listen to the Spirit of God talking to you right now. He says to you to realize that you need this love. This love is the only true love there is. This love of God can solve your problems, set you free, heal you, prosper you, and more importantly give you eternal life to spend eternity with God instead of rotting and burning and suffering in torment in hell forever.

Do you want to know this love? Then believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and has ascended to the right hand of God. Now, confess with your mouth, “Jesus is LORD.” For with the heart one believes unto salvation and with the mouth confession is made. Anyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved. It’s all in the Bible, Romans 10:9-13. You will feel a dramatic change in your person immediately because you will know that God has miraculously transformed you and set you free. Trust me. IF you have believed and confessed as stated above, welcome to the family of God. You will know whether or not you’ve been transformed.

Father, I simply want to thank you for loving me with an unfailing, everlasting love that no one or nothing can take away from me. You chose me to be a part of your family. You called me to be a servant of the most high God. Not only have you commissioned me to declare the message of “violence and destruction” but also the one of love and salvation. Even when you purpose to bring a country to its knees because of its wrongdoing, you always leave a way of escape for those who are yours and loved by you. Thank you. I pray that you will extend your might hand and outstretched arm to save as many people as possible before the great and terrible Day of the LORD. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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