Washed by Water Thru the Word

December 7, 2012

Lord, I am coming to talk with you, just as you’ve asked.

My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.”  And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.” – Psalm 27:8

David wrote yet another psalm where he demonstrated his love for God through the poetic praise of song. He had a knack for expressing his inner most desires and feelings about God to God through verse. When he wrote this piece, he acknowledged that his heart had been in tune with God’s Spirit and responded to God’s beckoning by saying he would listen, in so many words.

When was the last time we heard the voice of God’s Spirit wooing us to come and talk with him, personally? He does it daily. God desires to talk with his children. That’s the very reason he created us. He talked with Adam in the cool of the day and desires to do the same with us. We need to learn to be like David and be sensitive to the beckoning of the Spirit when he says for us to come and talk with him. Our reply needs to echo that of David’s reply, “Lord, I am coming.”

Father, I hear you loud and clear from your written word today that I need to hearken to the call of your Spirit to come and spend some quiet time with you. Prayer and conversation with you, alone, is the only way that I will ever really get to know you more intimately. Help me to be more sensitive to the still, soft voice you use to woo me. I love you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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