Washed by Water Thru the Word

June 26, 2010

Answer God when he calls.

1 Samuel 3:9 “…if he calls you, say, ‘Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.”

Samuel was a young lad living and serving in the tabernacle located in Shiloh. Eli was the high priest and was well advanced in age. One night the Lord called to Samuel, who ran to Eli each time God called him. On the third time, Eli told Samuel that it was God calling him and answer him the next time he called. So, Samuel did as he was told answered the Lord the next time he called.

When the Lord calls a person, it is imperative that the person responds promptly and appropriately. When the Lord calls a person, it doesn’t necessarily mean the person is “called into the ministry.” It simply means that God wants to speak to that person.

Keeping within in context of Sam’s day, God didn’t pour out his Spirit on everyone but instead chose to put his Spirit on selected people. In Sam’s case it was a dual matter of God just speaking to him as well as anointing him for his service. Sam was a little boy probably under the age of 10 when God spoke to him at first and revealed himself to Sam.

God desires to speak and does speak to every person on earth. We know this because it is God’s will that none should perish but all come to repentance and be saved. He loved the world enough to die for them. Thus he longs to have all people be his children because he created them for his good pleasure. Each person that rebuffs God’s call and chooses instead to serve Satan causes God to weep.

If you have heard God call you and come to repentance, then I join with the angels and rejoice that a child has come home. IF you have heard the call of God and refused him, then I pray for your repentance and hope that God can reach you by some means. IF you have heard God’s call and never answered, then I entreat you to reconsider your choice and give your life to God. Not doing so is still rebellion and sin. IF you have never heard God’s call, may this message speak to your heart and may the Spirit of God draw you to his arms and find salvation.

Father, it is critical that we reach the lost. Each day that passes is one less day that we have to reach them before the return of our King and Lord. Your Word says that you hold off on that return to allow as many as will hear you to be, but it also says that you won’t contend with man forever. Please help me to be one who answers your call, ministerially, and leads the lost home to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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