Washed by Water Thru the Word

July 19, 2010

Doing what God tells us – nothing less.

1 Kings 13:24 “As he went on his way, a lion met him on the road and killed him. His body was thrown down on the road with the donkey and the lion standing beside it.”

A prophet of God went to Bethel to curse the altar built by Jeroboam according to the word of the Lord. He did that part of what he was told to do. The king offered him a gift if he would turn and stay with him. The prophet refused. Then an old prophet lied to the young man enticing him to stay and eat and drink with him. While they ate, God spoke through the old prophet to the younger and said that because he disobeyed God; he would die and not be buried in his father’s tomb. When the younger man left, a lion attacked him and killed him. The lion neither ate him nor destroyed the donkey on which had ridden.

God gave the younger prophet clear directions: 1) go to Bethel and prophecy against the altar there, 2) don’t eat bread or drink water there, and 3) go back home by a different way than which you came. He accomplished items 1 and 3 but failed to obey 2 because a “prophet of God” told him something contrary to the instructions he was given. So, the younger man believed the words of the older prophet and dined with him there in Israel rather than obeying God and returning to Judah.

How many times have we been told by God to do this or to do that only to do part of what God says? King Saul had to learn this lesson the hard way also. God ordered Saul to destroy the Amalekites completely, but Saul spared their king and the choicest livestock for offerings to God. Because he had disobeyed God, God took the kingdom from him and gave it to David.

The young prophet had obeyed God up to the point when the older prophet lied to him and urged him to stay and eat. Had the younger man listened to God and gone back home as he started to do, he would have lived and not suffered a terrible demise. God’s judgment on the young man was swift and severe. His death serves a reminder to us, the living, that rebellion against God ends in death of the physical state and eternal death through never ending torture in hell with the devil.

We can given a laundry list of things to do for God, and complete them all but one. However, leaving just one thing undone is still only partial obedience. Partial obedience is still disobedience. Being disobedient keeps us from being holy and pure before God. Fortunately we have been given the gift of grace from God the Father, who desires to see us live not die. It angered God that the young man disobeyed and resulted in his death, but God also wept that another of his creation chose to rebel against him rather than submit to him. He desires our love and worship but also demands it along with out obedience.

We cannot choose to live in sin and expect to receive God’s blessing in our lives. When we converted, we became new creatures in Christ with the old things passing away. Our sin nature, the desires and wants of self, died and was buried with Christ in his death and burial. We were resurrected with him in his resurrection with newness of life. We are not to desire the old ways nor live in them.  Like Paul we must learn to crucify the flesh (lusts and desires) DAILY! Jesus said that to come after him meant denying self, picking up one’s cross, and following Jesus. He chose an instrument of death as part of the requirements to be his disciple. Those who don’t take up their cross won’t be his followers. They can’t be. Yes, the old lustful desires were buried, but they have a way of creeping back into our lives. If unchecked and not overcome by the grace of God, they will enslave us to sin once more.

Let us be obedient to ALL of God’s Word not just the parts we like or those that make us feel good. There are going to be times when being obedient to God will cost you something. It may be your family, your friends, your job, your things or whatever else it may be. Serving Jesus costs you everything. He gave his everything to save you. Now it’s your turn to give it all for him and to him. Don’t just do what you think you should do; do all God tells you.

Father, once again, I have encountered a message from you about complete submission, surrender, and obedience to your will. I don’t want to hold anything back from you. I have in the past, but now I need you and your grace. Today, I feel like I have hit a brick wall and cannot climb over it. You have charged me with completing the task at hand, but part of me wants to just quit. I have done all that I can do up to this point, and without you, I will not be able to finish. It is troubling to be given a task without the proper tools to do the job or with little guidance. I suppose that this is the part of the test where I either sink or swim because I have to rely upon you for the answer and the tools. The gifts I have; you have given me. However, they are not enough to get the job done. Please shed light on how you want this job to be done. I need your wisdom and understanding. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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